Mesa Arizona Theft Attorney

Arizona Theft Crime Attorney

Mesa AZ Theft Crimes

Theft crimes in Arizona are taken seriously by law enforcement and the judicial system. If found guilty of theft, legal consequences could include both state and federal consequences. If charged with petty theft, grand theft, first or second-degree burglary, identity theft, or Intellectual Property, a jail term or monetary fines might be imposed.

If charged with criminal theft, it is in your best interest to contact The Law Office of Robert P. Jarvis immediately. We know criminal law and the defenses available to you. We understand that intent can play a deciding factor for the case to even be prosecuted. With our skilled and experienced background, it may be possible to avoid conviction or receive a reduced charge. Call The Law Office of Robert P. Jarvis immediately to receive proper counsel for your particular criminal charge. (480) 632-1200. The monetary value of the stolen items is a determining factor in the charge and penalty for theft. The following outlines the distinction between crimes.

Theft Attorney Serving In Mesa, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Phoenix, and Tempe Arizona

Theft Offenses and Penalties

OFFENSEMinimal Definition
Petty TheftItems or cash below $1000.00


OFFENSEMinimal Definition
Grand TheftExceeds $1000.00
RobberyUse of weapons or force
BurglaryUnlawful entrance onto property
EmbezzlementAccess to property or monies without legal ownership for personal gain
Receipt of stolen PropertyKnowingly accepting property that was stolen
Identify TheftTheft of another person’s personal information
Theft of Intellectual PropertyTheft of patents, copyrights or trademarks

If charged with shoplifting, contact The Law Office of Robert P. Jarvis as soon as possible. He will review your charges and discuss possible defenses. There are many factors in determining the severity of a shoplifting offense.

  • First-time offense
  • Repetitive offender
  • Continuing criminal episode
  • Value of stolen property
  • Amount of items stolen
  • Shoplifting method
  • Age of shoplifter

Type of Items stolen
It is in your best interest to contact The Law Office of Robert P. Jarvis today. Call (480) 632-1200 and let a criminal defense attorney help you.

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Office Location


1423 S Higley Rd # 112, Mesa AZ 85206, USA