Mesa Arizona Probation Violation Lawyers

Probation Violation In Mesa AZ

Mesa AZ Probation Violation Attorney

Probation is a set of rules or conditions imposed, either as a punishment for committing a crime or to avoid more severe punishment for committing a crime. Violation of probation is a serious offense. You will need Attorney Robert P. Jarvis, a highly skilled criminal defense attorney, to manage the impact and outcome of your probation violation hearing.

Mr. Jarvis’s experience as a City of Phoenix prosecutor has given him access to the procedures and people to negotiate the best outcome for you. Call him today at (480) 632-1200 to discuss your probation violation defense.

Probation Violation Attorneys Serving In Mesa, Gilbert, Queen Creek, Phoenix, and Tempe Arizona

As a criminal defense attorney, Mr. Jarvis has negotiated an early release from probation or modifications to existing sentences. He handles:

  • Appeals
  • Post-conviction relief petitions
  • Criminal trials

If there is an opportunity to reduce your sentence or probationary period, Mr. Jarvis will take the necessary steps to petition the court to do so. A Motion to Modify Sentence or Motion to Modify Probation can be filed immediately after the original sentencing. Your cooperation with law enforcement during the legal process helps facilitate a modification. The relationship Mr. Jarvis has with the court and it’s officers also contributes to a positive outcome.

It is possible to terminate the probation when a defendant has served more or less 50% of his probation, sometimes less.


Mr. Jarvis recommends that a defendant pay any restitution, fines or fees in full prior to filing the Petition for Early Termination. This increases the likely hood of obtaining early probation. In addition, an absence of probation violations or technical violations substantiates your good will and commitment to live a law-abiding life.

Arizona does not have an Expungement option which would erase the crime and punishment from your record.


Arizona does have a Judgement of Guilt Set Aside motion. If granted, defendants can tell people they have not previously been convicted of a crime. Keep in mind that job applications typically are more specific and ask “Have you ever been convicted, arrested, or charged?” You are required to respond yes. Most employers provide an opportunity to explain your situation.

A Restoration of Civil Rights is available for felony cases. The motion can request that the defendants right to vote or bear arms be restored.

For Aggravated Assault or Sexual misconduct, A Judgement of Guilt to be set aside will not be considered by the court under any circumstances.


For father clarification on Probation and modification, contact Attorney Robert Pl Jarvis. He is here to help you.

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Office Location


1423 S Higley Rd # 112, Mesa AZ 85206, USA