Top 5 Common Traffic Violations in Mesa, Arizona

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Traffic violations are common in Mesa, Arizona, and can lead to significant fines, points on your driving record, and increased insurance premiums. However, understanding the most common violations and knowing how to contest them can help you navigate the legal system more effectively. Here’s an in-depth look at Mesa’s top five traffic violations and strategies for contesting them.

1. Speeding Mesa Traffic Violation

Speeding is one of the most frequent traffic violations in Mesa. The penalties can be severe if caught driving above the posted speed limit or too fast for road conditions. Speeding tickets can add points to your driving record, resulting in fines.

How to Contest a Speeding Ticket:

  • Review the Evidence: Request a copy of the radar or laser reading that recorded your speed. Check for calibration records of the speed detection device and the officer’s training certification.
  • Challenge the Officer’s Observations: Question the conditions under which the speeding was recorded, such as weather, traffic, and visibility. If the officer’s line of sight was obstructed or conditions were unfavorable, you might argue that the reading was inaccurate.
  • Prove Necessity: In some cases, you can argue that you were speeding due to an emergency. Providing evidence, such as medical records or witness statements, can support your claim.

2. Running a Red Light

Running a red light is a serious offense that can lead to accidents and significant fines. In Mesa, red light cameras are often used to capture violations, making it challenging to contest these tickets.

How to Contest a Red Light Violation

  • Check the Camera Calibration: Ensure the red light camera functions correctly and has been calibrated recently. Calibration records can sometimes show that the camera was not accurate at the time of the violation.
  • Verify the Timing of the Yellow Light: Yellow lights must be a certain length based on traffic speed. If the yellow light was shorter than legally required, you could argue that you didn’t have sufficient time to stop.
  • Examine the Evidence: Request the photographic or video evidence from the red light camera. Ensure the images clearly show your vehicle crossing the line after the light turns red, and verify that the car’s registration matches yours.

3. Illegal U-Turns

Making an illegal U-turn can result in a traffic citation. In Mesa, U-turns are only permitted where signage allows them to be made safely without disrupting traffic flow.

How to Contest an Illegal U-Turn Ticket

  • Check Signage: Verify that the signage is clear and visible. If the sign was obscured or missing, you can argue that you were unaware that a U-turn was prohibited.
  • Prove It Was Safe: The U-turn was made safely without endangering other vehicles or pedestrians. Providing witness testimony or video footage can support your case.
  • Examine Traffic Laws: Understand the specific traffic laws regarding U-turns in Mesa. If the officer’s interpretation of the law was incorrect, you could use this in your defense.

4. Failure to Yield

Failure to yield tickets are common in situations such as merging lanes, entering intersections, or yielding to pedestrians. This violation can cause accidents and lead to substantial fines.

How to Contest a Failure to Yield Ticket

  • Challenge the Officer’s Perspective: Question whether the officer had a clear and unobstructed view of the incident. If there were visual obstructions, argue that the officer’s perspective may not accurately reflect what happened.
  • Prove You Did Yield: If you believe you yielded appropriately, gather evidence such as dashcam footage or witness statements to support your claim.
  • Show Road Conditions: Highlight any unusual road conditions or traffic situations that influenced your actions. This can include heavy traffic, poor visibility, or other drivers’ actions that impact your ability to yield.

5. Distracted Driving

Distracted driving, including using a mobile phone while driving, is a growing concern and a standard traffic violation in Mesa. This can include texting, talking on the phone, or any activity that diverts attention from driving.

How to Contest a Distracted Driving Ticket:

  • Review Evidence: Obtain any evidence the officer may have, such as video footage from a police car or witness statements. Without solid proof, it may weaken the case against you.
  • Prove Safe Use: Provide evidence of using your phone legally, such as through a hands-free device. Call logs, Bluetooth records, or car system data can support your case.
  • Highlight Lack of Distraction: Argue that your actions did not constitute distracted driving if you were briefly glancing at something or performing an activity that did not significantly divert your attention from the road.


Traffic violations in Mesa can significantly impact your driving record and insurance premiums. However, understanding the most common violations and knowing how to contest them effectively can help avoid unnecessary penalties. Gathering evidence, understanding local traffic laws, and seeking legal advice can improve your chances of successfully contesting a traffic ticket. Always drive safely and stay informed about traffic regulations to maintain a clean driving record.

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